Understand your costs instantly.

Figuring out food costs is easy. Doing it with 20 invoices every week is hard. WISK is the only invoice management software that does the work for you.

With WISK, your recipes are automatically updated as soon you scan new invoices. No more manual data entry and no more hours of work fixing a broken formula in excel. Just snap a picture and let our team take care of invoice processing.

Save hours and mistakes on manual invoice processing.

With WISK, our invoice processing team enters your invoices for you and confirms that the data is accurate. This reduces mistakes by 93% and saves you at least 5 hours of work every week.

Book a free call
" If you want to know your business, if you want to know where your money's going and how to make improvements and profitability, WISK will definitely help you and share information that you might not have known before. "
James Harrington, Director Of Procurement, IconInk

Real time cost updates, even with 10 suppliers.

WISK recognizes different suppliers and updates your recipe costs accordingly. Even if you order the same item from different suppliers, your costs will always be up to date.

WISK + Your accounting software = A happy accountant

With one click of a button, WISK will sync all your GL accounts with your accounting software and keep your finances updated with your latest costs. Your accountant will be happy, and will never chase you again.

"Consistency would probably be our number one problem before WISK. We used a variety of different products,..., all the typical things that restaurants go through and we really needed something that was going to be super user-friendly. "
Susan MacLeod, HR & Operations Manager, OttawaVenues
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Try our ROI calculator to see how much you can save with WISk